Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fast Food Nation

I have seen my share of information concerning the negative attributes of the fast food industry. I know about the expansive amounts of grease, preservatives, and other less than appetizing elements that can be found within their products. However I still find myself craving McDonalds’s french fries, and strawberry milkshakes, Burger King’s onion rings, and Frostys from Wendy’s, on a semi-regular basis (meaning mostly weekends at three or so in the morning, [when they are closed in Athens?!?!] ). To me fast food, presents the opportunity to indulge, and reach my daily caloric intake levels within a single meal, all without spending a lot of money. Fast food provides a break from the monotony of dining hall food, without having to go far, or spend more time and energy than I want. I like many Americans enjoy fast food because of its convenience.
Fast food almost seems essential in some American lives. Yet in other countries these food chains do not bear as much importance. Italy for example puts a lot of time and effort in to the production of their meals. And according to my Italian teacher who is from Italy, European countries normally have better quality ingredients than American food does, and there is also a greater importance to eat as a family and spending a lot of time at the dinner table with one another is also significant in traditional Italian families. For these types of countries (who do in fact have and utilize fast food restaurants) homemade meals have a greater appeal, and the want for fast food is not as great because of it. In developing countries money is the main discrepancy between their fast food utilization and American fast food use. They do not have as much expendable cash, and often rely on their own means for food, which is cheaper.  Still fast food chains do make large enough profits from their overseas chains. This means that the allure of fast food is great not just to Americans but to pretty much everyone.  I’m sure there are hundreds of different reasons for this, but for Americans I believe that there is one central reason why we have made it such a large part of our culture; its convenience.
Fast food, more than anything is convenient. It’s fast, cheap, and has the ability to quiet the hunger pangs that arise in the most undesirable times.  America can easily and rightfully be titled as the fast food capital of the world, not only did it originate here, but we without a doubt consume the most of it.  Fast food is American because from a very early young age we are introduced to it. We have grown up with it, and consequently have a greater appreciation for it.  I know that my four year old little brothers would prefer a happy meal over just about anything.  Fast food is not only introduced to us at a very young age, but it is always reasserting itself into our daily lives. Commercials, billboards, and print ads of these fast food chains are present everywhere, causing us to crave the high calorie meals.  Still, its convenience is what gave these companies their success and allowed them to transform into the ginormous corporations that they have become.  And as long as they continue to serve food at low prices, with high accessibility, they will continue to remain a large part of American culture.  

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